Foi com muita alegria que recebi, via correio, nessa data (24/06/2013), documento referente as congratulações e reconhecimentos, de autoria do Deputado Estadual Major Araújo, requerimento nº 018/2013 e propositura nº 1764, APROVADA pela Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de Goiás, na data de 28 de maio de 2013.
Ao Deputado Major Araújo e seus pares, muito obrigado pelas felicitações e considerações!
Segue abaixo o conteúdo do documento:
Moção Congratulatória - Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás.
It was with a huge joy that I received, through mail, on this date (24/06/2013), a document about congratulations and acknowlegments, from the State Representative Major Araújo, requirement n. 1764, APPROVED by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás, on May, 28, 2013.
To the Representative Major Araújo, thank you for the consideration and congratulation!
Here it follows the translation of the document (colaboration and translation - Rejane Dal Molin/Education USA):
Goiânia, June, 3, 2013.
To the young man
Student at Colégio da Polícia Militar de Goiás Polivalente Modelo Vasco dos Reis.
Dear Student,
We send you, so you can be aware of it, copy attached of the Requirement n. 1764, authored by the noble Representative Major Araújo, approved by the plenary session held in this Legislative Assembly, on the 28th of this month (May).
"Dear Sir Helder Valin , honourable President of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás.
Requirement Number: 018/2013
The representative who writes this document, on the terms of article 140, §2°, items V and VI and §3°, item IX, in accordance with the bylaws of this House of Laws, requires from Your Excellency to forward expressions of congratulations and recognition to Caio Henrique Silveira, a student from CPMG Modelo Vasco dos Reis School, for his outstanding résumé, aiming a scholarship to any of the best universities in the world.
Caio Henrique Silveira was born on 03/07/1996. Although he is still very young, he already has an excellent curriculum, which demonstrates his determination to pursue his dreams. On his journey as a student at Colégio da Polícia Militar de Goiás Polivalente Modelo Vasco dos Reis he won several honors and has become a key student at his school.
Caio stands out for his dedication, discipline, and commitment to his own growth and to his colleagues’ growth as well. He has offered tutoring classes to his classmates, demonstrating that he is mature enough and ready to face any challenge.
Caio has recently passed the PREP PROGRAM, that allows Honor Students to be accepted in foreign universities. It is a Program from Fundação Estudar, a non profit NGO that invests in the development of young people with very high potential to transform Brazil. He was the only student in Goiás to be selected to this Program.
Convinced that the current world requires people of his strain, with his attributes and talents, we consider very important to congratulate this young man so it may encourage other Brazilian students who diligently seek their ideals.
Given this situation and given the importance of this issue, it for sure deserves, from the illustrious State Representatives, a unanimously, URGENTLY and PREFERABLY approvation.
the Chamber, on May, 23, 2013".
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